Saturday, October 2, 2010

So here we are!

Hello Everybody!
And as I type that I hear Rosita (from Sesame Street) chiming that same greeting in her sing-songy voice. Being a mom has totally been a huge life change for me. Definitely not a smooth, fluid OMG I'm so in love with this totally new person change either. It has been a road full of bumps and tears and exhaustingly enough Im only 18 months into this new adventure. But it is THE life change of all time for me and I would not trade one exhausting, sleep deprived, boogery moment.

So here are the cast of characters in my wonderful household:
     James, the man made up of dreams I never knew I had.

Caterina, the most beautiful girl in the WHOLE world. I will not argue this point with anyone! (and the photo is thanks to my friend Desiree Shuey Photography)

       Caleb, my little Mr. Happy go lucky man. Who subsequently is the most adorable little guy EVER!

And also various pets who will make their way into this blog at some point or another of that I am sure.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oops that was me. I didn't know you had a blog!

  3. Hey, so I found your blog! Yay! Not sure if you still check it or not...
